A new PR !

It was November 1st. Woke up at 9 am and made some breakfast. Eggs and oatmeal, with some blue berries and got ready for a gym session with my friends. We decided on working on arms, followed by some sets of bench press. We love benching because it is so satisfying lifting a certain amount of weight. In my opinion, I feel proud when I bench because that’s how you know I’m working hard and eating well. We all hit different PR’s (Personal Record). Mine was 1 rep of 165. My friend Syed hit the same amount for 5 reps, and my other boy Brandon tried to hit 225 for on but sadly it backfired. By the way, I don’t mean that in a negative way. Failing is part of the process and so if you are reading this, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP. I remember I couldn’t even lift the barbell and now look at me. My goal now is to reach 225 by the end of 2020. Which means it is time to clean up my diet and stretch more. I put a lot of emphasis on stretching, but without it, it opens yourself up to many injuries. So I stretch 10 minutes before every workout so I won’t tear anything in my body. All in all, I am on the road to 225 !

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