Journal Entry #3

This week has been full of assignments and excitement. Let me start of with the work. This week I was assigned to do a personal narrative for my psychopathology and Literature class, based on my experience and connections to the stories I’ve been reading. I actually like this assignment because I’m able to connect to one story and I have so much I can write about. However, I don’t want to be too confident and so I’m trying to organize this personal narrative as best as possible. Like I said in my first journal, I’m not a fan of writing and reading because throughout my life I struggled even if I stood up for hours trying to make my papers perfect. It’s okay though because there’s always room for improvement and motivation is key when it comes to school, and not just for other things outside of school. I’m glad that I get to write a first draft because then I’m able to make edits based on feedback given from my professor and classmates. I can’t say right now what I feel like I’m going to get on my narrative because then I’ll overthink and mess up my draft completely.


Now here is my exciting news ! I was finally able to reach out to an advisor from the biochemistry major, and got some very useful information in order to receive the classes that are required for that major. I’m happy about this because I really love the science and math subject and these are subjects that I don’t mind staying up all night for, in order to complete the work that I get assigned. Chemistry is my area of comfort and majoring in biochem will give me the opportunity to implement that knowledge into life, which I find very interesting because a hospital lab is where I can possibly be in and that’s where I see myself. Instead of reading so many chapters, I rather solve equations and perform experiments in chemistry. I will be meeting with that advisor soon and hopefully I’ll receive some more useful information so I can be ready for the next semester. I did want to be a chemical engineer, but here In college there’s so many options that anyone can change their mind. I’m not too worried about the major because it’s something I love to do.



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